Experienced the joys of whale viewing is unlike anything else; this experience provides a rare chance to witness one of nature's most magnificent creatures in its natural environment. Humpback whales can reach up to 52 feet long and 40 tons. Although large in size, humpbacks are known for being playful creatures who like playing around; watching them breach, slap tails and fins, blow air out their blowholes is truly amazing.
Super Raft- Kauai Voyager 1 provides an expansive, comfortable platform to observe these majestic marine life species. Visitors can use hydrophone to listen for whale songs and sounds; hear whale songs heard miles away by listening out for the unique songs of humpback whales as part of their communication, as well as listen out for whale songs sung from miles away by these beautiful marine life species.
Relax and have fun while sipping refreshing cold beverages and snacking on light fare, all while being assured of whale safety! Alcohol will not be served.
An unforgettable whale-watching adventure offers an unprecedented glimpse into their world. A trip that promises to leave an indelible mark, it will surely leave lasting memories behind.