Enjoy your stay at Hawaii We think you'd enjoy these hotels for a quick trip out of town.

Our top picks for Beach Resorts on Kauai

There are more than 700 hotels in Hawaii. We used to have a search on our site of all the hotels, but decided to provide additional help by narrowing the list down to a select few. So we reviewed all the hotels, some of them we visited, others we scoured the Internet for feedback, comparing all the sites, local blogs, whatever we could find. We used that information to narrow the list to all the Beach Resorts on Kauai. This doesn't guarantee that you'll have a perfect experience, but it goes a long way towards that goal. If you know of a hotel in Kauai that should be on this list, please let us know why you feel that way. If you think a hotel on this list doesn't deserve to be on here, let us know that as well. We won't add or remove a hotel by request (otherwise the hotel would simply get staff to recommend their hotel and remove their competitors), but we will use your experiences in deciding if any changes are needed to our list.
Koloa Landing Resort at Poipu, Autograph Collection
Koloa Landing Resort at Poipu, Autograph Collection
  • This resort hotel has everything for the best Hawaiian vacation experience. From the knowledgeable staff to the activities and dining experiences, you will want for nothing when you stay here.
  • Prices From
  •  612 -  2057
Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa
Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa
  • This resort hotel is great for relaxing and enjoying the total Kauai experience.
  • Prices From
  •  920 -  8532
Waipouli Beach Resort
Waipouli Beach Resort
  • This hotel is great for families and larger gatherings. Guest rooms are accommodating for families and there is plenty to see and do.
  • Prices From
  •  372 -  2434
Sheraton Kauai Resort
Sheraton Kauai Resort
  • This hotel is great for families and first-time visitors to Kauai.
  • Prices From
  •  696 -  1491
Koa Kea Hotel & Resort at Poipu Beach
Koa Kea Hotel & Resort at Poipu Beach
  • This resort is great for couples and those seeking wonderful relaxation in the warm Hawaiian sun.
  • Prices From
  •  754 -  2824